In the CCQM the semileptonic decays
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)}\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ are described by the Feynman diagram in Fig. 1. The effective Hamiltonian for the semileptonic decays$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)}\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ is given by$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{H}_{ \rm{eff}} (b \to q \ell \bar{\nu}_{\ell}) = \frac{G_F}{\sqrt{2}} V_{qb} \left[ \bar{q} O^\mu b \right] \left[ \bar{\ell} O_\mu \nu_{\ell} \right], \end{aligned} $
(1) where
$ q = (u, c) $ ,$ G_F $ is the Fermi constant,$ V_{qb} $ is the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element, and$ O^\mu=\gamma^\mu(1-\gamma_5) $ is the weak Dirac matrix with left chirality. The invariant matrix element of the decays is written as$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{M}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)} \ell \bar\nu_\ell ) = \frac{G_F}{\sqrt{2}} V_{qb} \langle B_{(c)}|\bar{q}O^\mu b|\Upsilon(1S)\rangle \bar\ell O_\mu \nu_\ell. \end{aligned} $
(2) The squared matrix element can be written as a product of the hadronic tensor
$ H_{\mu\nu} $ and leptonic tensor$ L^{\mu\nu} $ :$ \begin{aligned} |\mathcal{M}|^2 = \frac{G_F^2}{2} H_{\mu\nu} L^{\mu\nu}. \end{aligned} $
(3) The leptonic tensor for the process
$ W^-_{\rm{off-shell}}\to \ell^-\bar \nu_\ell $ $ \left( W^+_{\rm{off-shell}}\to \ell^+ \nu_\ell \right) $ is given by [14]$ \begin{aligned} L^{\mu\nu} &= \left\{\begin{array}{lr} \rm{tr}\Big[ ( p\kern-5pt/_\ell + m_\ell) O^\mu p\kern-5pt/_{\nu_\ell} O^\nu\Big] & \quad\text{for}\quad W^-_{\rm{off-shell}}\to \ell^-\bar\nu_\ell \\[1.2ex] \rm{tr}\Big[ ( p\kern-5pt/_\ell - m_\ell) O^\nu p\kern-5pt/_{\nu_\ell} O^\mu\Big] & \quad\text{for}\quad W^+_{\rm{off-shell}}\to \ell^+ \nu_\ell \end{array}\right. \\[1.2ex] &= 8 \left( p_\ell^\mu p_{\nu_\ell}^\nu + p_\ell^\nu p_{\nu_\ell}^\mu - p_{\ell}\cdot p_{\nu_\ell}g^{\mu\nu} \pm i \varepsilon^{\mu \nu \alpha \beta} p_{\ell\alpha} p_{\nu_\ell\beta} \right), \end{aligned} $
(4) where the upper/lower sign refers to the two
$ (\ell^-\bar\nu_\ell)/(\ell^+\nu_\ell) $ configurations. The sign change is due to the parity violating part of the lepton tensors. In our case we have to use the upper sign in Eq. (4).The hadronic matrix element in Eq. (2) is often parametrized as a linear combination of Lorentz structures multiplied by scalar functions, namely, invariant form factors which depend on the momentum transfer squared. For the
$ V \to P $ transition one has$ \begin{aligned}[b] &\langle B_{(c)} (p_2) \left|\bar{q} O_{\mu} b \right| \Upsilon(1S) (\epsilon_1 , p_1)\rangle \equiv \epsilon^\alpha_1 T_{\mu\alpha} \\ =\;&\frac{\epsilon_1^{\nu}}{m_1 + m_2} [ - g_{\mu\nu}pqA_0(q^2) + p_{\mu}p_{\nu}A_+(q^2)\\&+q_{\mu}p_{\nu} A_-(q^2) + i \varepsilon_{\mu\nu\alpha\beta}p^{\alpha}q^{\beta}V(q^2)], \end{aligned} $
(5) where
$ q=p_1-p_2 $ ,$ p=p_1+p_2 $ ,$ m_1 = m_{\Upsilon(1S)} $ ,$ m_2 = m_{B_{(c)}} $ , and$ \epsilon_1 $ is the polarization vector of$ \Upsilon(1S) $ , so that$ \epsilon_1^\dagger\cdot p_1 = 0 $ . The particles are on-shell, i.e.,$ p_1^2=m_1^2=m^2_{\Upsilon(1S)} $ and$ p_2^2=m_2^2=m^2_{B_{(c)}} $ . The form factors$ A_0(q^2) $ ,$ A_{\pm}(q^2) $ , and$ V(q^2) $ will be calculated later in our model. In terms of the invariant form factors, the hadronic tensor reads$ \begin{aligned} H_{\mu\nu} = T^{VP}_{\mu\alpha}\left(-g^{\alpha\alpha'}+\frac{p_1^\alpha p_1^{\alpha'}}{m_1^2}\right) T^{VP\dagger}_{\nu\alpha'}, \end{aligned} $
(6) where
$ \begin{aligned}[b] T^{VP}_{\mu\alpha}=\;&\frac{1}{m_1 + m_2} \Big[- g_{\mu\alpha}pqA_0(q^2) + p_{\mu}p_{\alpha}A_+(q^2)\\&+q_{\mu}p_{\alpha} A_-(q^2) + i \varepsilon_{\mu\alpha\gamma\delta}p^{\gamma}q^{\delta}V(q^2)\Big] . \end{aligned} $
(7) Finally, by summing up the vector polarizations, one obtains the decay width
$ \begin{aligned} \Gamma\left (\Upsilon(1S) \to B_{(c)}\ell \bar{\nu}_{\ell} \right) = \frac{G_F^2}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{|V_{qb}|^2}{64m_1^3} \int\limits_{m^2_{\ell}}^{(m_1-m_2)^2} dq^2 \int\limits_{s_1^-}^{s_1^+} ds_1 \frac13 H_{\mu\nu} L^{\mu\nu}, \end{aligned} $
(8) where
$ m_1=m_{\Upsilon(1S)} $ ,$ m_2=m_{B_{(c)}} $ , and$ s_1 =(p_{B_{(c)}}+p_{\ell})^2 $ . The upper and lower bounds of$ s_1 $ are given by$ \begin{aligned}[b] s_1^{\pm}=\;& m_2^2+m_{\ell}^2-\frac{1}{2q^2} \big[(q^2-m_1^2+m_2^2)(q^2+m_{\ell}^2) \\&\mp\lambda^{1/2}(q^2,m_1^2,m_2^2)\lambda^{1/2}(q^2,m_{\ell}^2,0)\big], \end{aligned} $
(9) where
$ \lambda(x,y,z) \equiv x^2+y^2+z^2-2(xy+yz+zx) $ is the Källén function. -
The CCQM has been developed for about three decades as a tool for hadronic calculation. It has been successfully employed to explore various decays of not only mesons and baryons, but also tetraquarks, pentaquarks, and other multiquark states [18−28]. The model has been introduced in great details along the way in many studies by our group, for instance, Refs. [15−17]. We only list here the main features of the model for completeness, and also, to keep the text short and focus more on the new results.
The CCQM is based on an effective interaction Lagrangian describing the coupling of hadrons to their constituent quarks. The coupling of a meson
$ M(q_1 \bar q_2) $ to its constituent quarks$ q_1 $ and$ \bar q_2 $ is described by the nonlocal Lagrangian (see, e.g., Ref. [17])$ \begin{aligned}[b] {\cal{L}}_{\rm{int}}(x) =\;& g_M M (x) \, \int dx_1 \int dx_2 F_M(x,x_1,x_2) \, \\&\times\bar q_1(x_1) \, \Gamma_M \, q_2(x_2) \, + \, {\rm{H.c.}} \end{aligned} $
(10) Here,
$ g_M $ is the meson-quark coupling constant,$ \Gamma_M $ the relevant Dirac matrix (or a string of Dirac matrices) chosen appropriately to describe the spin quantum numbers of the meson field$ M(x) $ . The vertex function$ F_M(x,x_1,x_2) $ characterizes the finite size of the meson. To satisfy translational invariance the vertex function has to obey the identity$ F_M(x+a,x_1+a,x_2+a) \, = \, F_M(x,x_1,x_2) $ for any given four-vector a. In what follows we adopt a specific form for the vertex function which satisfies the above translation invariance relation. One has$ \begin{aligned} F_M(x;x_1,x_2) = \delta^{(4)}(x-\omega_1 x_1-\omega_2 x_2)\Phi_M[(x_1-x_2)^2], \end{aligned} $
(11) where
$ \Phi_M $ is a correlation function of the two constituent quarks with masses$ m_1 $ and$ m_2 $ . The variable$ w_i $ is defined by$ w_i=m_i/(m_1+m_2) $ so that$ w_1+w_2=1 $ . In principle, the Fourier transform of the correlation function, which we denote by$ \Phi_M(-p^2) $ , can be calculated from the solutions of the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the meson bound states [29].In Ref. [30] it was found that, using various forms for the vertex function, the basic hadron observables are insensitive to the details of the functional form of the hadron-quark vertex function. Therefore, we use this observation as a guiding principle and choose a simple Gaussian form for the Fourier transform of the correlation function
$ \Phi_{M}(-p^2) $ . The minus sign in the argument is chosen to emphasize that we are working in Minkowski space. One has$ \begin{aligned} \Phi_{M}(-p^2) = \exp( p^2/\Lambda_M^2), \end{aligned} $
(12) where the parameter
$ \Lambda_M $ characterizes the size of the meson. Since$ p^2 $ turns into$ -p_E^2 $ in Euclidean space, the form (12) has the appropriate falloff behavior in the Euclidean region. We stress again that any choice for$ \Phi_M $ is appropriate as long as it falls off sufficiently fast in the ultraviolet region of Euclidean space to render the Feynman-diagram ultraviolet finite.Recently, we have also considered a more complicated structure of the vertex functions. In Ref. [31], we introduced the vertex functions as Gaussian multiplying some polynomial to describe the radial excitations of the charmonium and bottomonium as follows:
$ \Phi_{n}(-k^{2})=\Big(1+\sum\limits _{m=1}^{n}c_{m+n-1}s_{n}^{m}k^{2m}\Big)\Phi_{V}(-k^{2}), $
$ \Phi_{V}(-k^{2})=\exp(k^2/\Lambda^2_V) $ . Here we have assumed that different radial excitations cannot pass into each other through a quark loop. We called this assumption the orthogonality condition. This condition allowed us to determine numerical values of the coefficients$ c_{m+n-1} $ in the allowed region of$ p^{2} $ for a certain quarkonium spectrum.The quark-meson coupling is obtained using the compositeness condition [32, 33]
$ \begin{aligned} Z_M = 1 - \Pi^\prime_M(m^2_M) = 0, \end{aligned} $
(13) where
$ Z_M $ is the wave function renormalization constant of the meson M and$ \Pi'_M $ is the derivative of the meson mass function.The meson mass function in Eq. (13) is defined by the Feynman diagram shown in Fig. 2 and has the following form:
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \Pi_P(p) =\;& 3g_P^2 \int \frac{dk}{(2\pi)^4i}\,\widetilde\Phi^2_P \left(-k^2\right) \rm{tr}\\&\times\left[ S_1(k+w_1p)\gamma^5 S_2(k-w_2p)\gamma^5 \right], \end{aligned} $
(14) $ \begin{aligned} \Pi_V(p) =\;& g_V^2 \left[g^{\mu\nu} - \frac{p^{\mu}p^{\nu}}{p^2}\right] \int \frac{dk}{(2\pi)^4i}\,\widetilde\Phi^2_V \left(-k^2\right)\\&\times \rm{tr}\left[ S_1(k+w_1p)\gamma_{\mu} S_2(k-w_2p)\gamma_{\nu} \right], \end{aligned} $
(15) where
$ \begin{aligned} S_i(k) = \frac{1}{m_{q_i} - \not k - i\epsilon}= \frac{m_{q_i}+\not k}{m^2_{q_i} - k^2 - i\epsilon} \end{aligned} $
(16) is the quark propagator.
The CCQM has several free parameters including the constituent quark masses
$ m_q $ , the hadron size parameters$ \Lambda_H $ , and a universal cutoff parameter λ which guarantees the confinement of constituent quarks inside hadrons. These parameters are obtained by fitting to available experimental data and/or Lattice QCD. Once they are fixed, the CCQM can be used to calculate hadronic quantities in a straight-forward manner. The parameters relevant to this study are collected in Table 1.$ m_{u/d} $ $ m_s $ $ m_c $ $ m_b $ $ \Lambda_B $ $ \Lambda_{B_c} $ $ \Lambda_{\Upsilon(1S)} $ λ 0.241 0.428 1.67 5.04 1.96 2.73 4.03 0.181 Table 1. Quark masses, meson size parameters, and infrared cutoff parameter (all in GeV).
In the CCQM the hadronic matrix element of the semileptonic decays
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)}\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ is given by the diagram in Fig. 1 and is written as$ \begin{aligned}[b] & \langle B_{(c)} (p_2) \left|\bar{q} O_{\mu} b \right| \Upsilon(1S) (\epsilon_1 , p_1) \rangle =\epsilon_1^{\alpha} T^{VP}_{\mu\alpha} \\ T^{VP}_{\mu\alpha} =\;& 3 g_{\Upsilon(1S)} g_P \int \frac{d^4k}{(2\pi)^4 i} \widetilde\Phi_{\Upsilon(1S)}\\&\times[-(k + w_{13}p_1)^2] \widetilde\Phi_P[-(k + w_{23}p_2)^2] \\ &\times \rm{tr}\left[S_2(k+p_2) O_{\mu} S_1(k+p_1)\gamma_\alpha S_3(k) \gamma_5\right] \\ \equiv\;& \frac{1}{m_1 + m_2} \big[- g_{\mu\alpha}pqA_0(q^2) + p_{\mu}p_{\alpha}A_+(q^2)\\&+q_{\mu}p_{\alpha} A_-(q^2) + i \varepsilon_{\mu\alpha\gamma\delta}p^{\gamma}q^{\delta}V(q^2)\big], \end{aligned} $
(17) where k is the loop momentum and
$ w_{ij}=m_{q_j}/(m_{q_i}+m_{q_j}) $ $ (i,j=1,2,3) $ .The form factors are then calculated using standard one-loop calculation techniques (see, e.g. Ref. [35]). The main steps are as follows. First, one substitutes the Gaussian form for the vertex functions in Eq. (12) into Eq. (17). Second, one uses the Fock-Schwinger representation for the quark propagator
$ \begin{aligned} S_{q_i} (k) = (m_{q_i} + \not k)\int\limits_0^\infty d\alpha_i\,e^{-\alpha_i (m_{q_i}^2-k^2)}. \end{aligned} $
(18) Third, one treats the integrals over the Fock-Schwinger parameters
$ 0\le \alpha_i<\infty $ by introducing an additional integration which converts the set of these parameters into a simplex as follows$ \begin{aligned}[b]& \prod\limits_{i=1}^n\int\limits_0^{\infty} d\alpha_i f(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n) \\=\;&\int\limits_0^{\infty} dtt^{n-1} \prod\limits_{i=1}^n \int d\alpha_i \delta\left(1-\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\alpha_i\right) f(t\alpha_1,\ldots,t\alpha_n). \end{aligned} $
(19) Note that Feynman diagrams are calculated in the Euclidean region where
$ p^2=-p^2_E $ . The vertex functions fall off in the Euclidean region, therefore no ultraviolet divergence appears. In order to avoid possible thresholds in the Feynman diagram, we introduce a universal infrared cutoff which effectively guarantees the confinement of quarks within hadrons$ \begin{aligned} \int\limits_0^\infty dt (\ldots) \to \int\limits_0^{1/\lambda^2} dt (\ldots). \end{aligned} $
(20) Each form factor for the semileptonic transition
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)} $ is finally turned into a three-fold integrals of the general form$ \begin{aligned} F(q^2) =\int\limits_0^{1/\lambda^2} dtt^2 \int\limits_0^1 d\alpha_1 \int\limits_0^{1-\alpha_1} d\alpha_2 \, f(t\alpha_1,t\alpha_2). \end{aligned} $
(21) The expressions for
$ f(t\alpha_1,t\alpha_2) $ are obtained by a FORM code written by us. The numerical calculation of the three-fold integrals are done by using FORTRAN codes with the help of NAG library (see Appendix). -
Before listing our numerical results, we briefly discuss the estimation of the theoretical errors in our approach. It should be reminded that all phenomenological quark models of hadrons are simplified physics picture, and therefore it is very difficult to treat the theoretical error rigorously. The main source of uncertainties come from the free parameters in Table 1. They are obtained by a least-squares fit of leptonic and electromagnetic decay constants to experimental data and/or Lattice QCD. The allowed deviation in the fit is in the range 5–10%. This range can be used as reasonable estimation of the model's errors. Moreover, the CCQM has been applied to study a broad range of hadron decay processes. We observed that our predictions often agree with experimental data within 10%. Therefore, we estimate the theoretical error of the predictions in this paper to be about 10%.
Note that the 10% error arises from the fact that the model contains free parameters, which were determined through a fit to the experimental data (see Ref. [34]). These fitted parameters carry their own uncertainties, and these uncertainties propagate through to the form factors and the decay widths. As a result, the overall error remains below 10%. Regarding the errors associated with the numerical calculation of the multifold integrals, they are negligible, as we used a highly reliable subroutine from the NAG library. This ensures that the precision of the numerical integration does not contribute significantly to the overall error. More details on the NAG subroutine is given in the Appendix.
In Fig. 3 we present the form factors of the
$ \Upsilon(1S) \to B_{(c)} $ transitions in the full range of momentum transfer$ 0\le q^2 \le q^2_{\rm{max}} = (m_{\Upsilon(1S)}-m_{B_{(c)}})^2 $ . It is worth mentioning that in the CCQM, the form factors are directly calculated in the whole physical range without any extrapolation as usually seen in Lattice QCD and QCD Sum Rules. We then parametrize the$ q^2 $ dependence of the form factors by using a general dipole approximationFigure 3. (color online) Our results for the form factors of the
$ \Upsilon(1S) \to B $ (left) and$ \Upsilon(1S) \to B_c $ (right) transitions.$ \begin{aligned} F(q^2)=\frac{F(0)}{1 - a s + b s^2}, \quad s\equiv\frac{q^2}{m^2_{\Upsilon(1S)}}. \end{aligned} $
(22) The dipole-approximation parameters for the
$ \Upsilon(1S) \to B_{(c)} $ form factors are displayed in Table 2. We also list here the values of the form factors at zero recoil, i.e., at$ q^2_{\rm{max}} $ . We compare the form factors at maximum recoil$ (q^2 = 0) $ with other theoretical studies in Table 3.$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B $ $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_c $ $ A_0 $ $ A_+ $ $ A_- $ V $ A_0 $ $ A_+ $ $ A_- $ V $ F(0) $ 0.46 0.013 1.03 0.38 2.54 0.27 2.56 1.23 a 3.93 8.99 5.64 5.63 3.49 4.91 4.57 4.54 b 3.41 21.9 8.34 8.37 2.83 7.43 5.93 5.89 $ F(q^2_{\rm{max}}) $ 1.28 0.18 4.78 1.75 3.96 0.50 4.59 2.19 Table 2. Parameters of the dipole approximation for
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)} $ form factors and the form-factor values at zero recoil$ q^2_{\rm{max}} $ .$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B $ $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_c $ $ A_0(0) $ $ A_+(0) $ $ A_-(0) $ $ V(0) $ $ A_0(0) $ $ A_+(0) $ $ A_-(0) $ $ V(0) $ This work 0.46 0.013 1.03 0.38 2.54 0.27 2.56 1.23 BSW [7] $ 3.06^{+0.10}_{-0.05} $ $ 0.38^{+0.06}_{-0.09} $ $ 1.61^{+0.01}_{-0.01} $ Ref. [36] 4.99 1.01 1.01 NRQCD [10] 3.46 0.51 1.66 BS [9] 0.20 0.031 0.29 0.15 1.63 0.26 1.28 0.80 Table 3. Form factors at maximum recoil
$ q^2=0 $ in the CCQM and other theoretical studies. The values in the row BS were obtained based on the form-factor graphs of Ref. [9] and private communication with its authors. -
We present our results for the branching fractions of the semileptonic decays
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)}\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ ($ \ell = e,\mu,\tau $ ) in Table 4. We also show in this table the relevant predictions of other theoretical studies for comparison. Our predictions agree well with the Bethe-Salpeter–approach results [9]. Regarding the results obtained using the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel model [7], the branching fractions for the electron and muon modes in this study agree with ours, but the one for the tau mode disagrees. The results obtained in NRQCD [10] for the branching fractions can be seen to be larger than those in other studies including ours.Channel Unit This work BS [9] BSW [7] NRQCD [10] $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B e \bar\nu_e $ $ 10^{-13} $ 5.96 $ 7.83^{+1.40}_{-1.20} $ $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B \mu \bar\nu_\mu $ $ 10^{-13} $ 5.95 $ 7.82^{+1.40}_{-1.20} $ $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B \tau \bar\nu_\tau $ $ 10^{-13} $ 3.30 $ 5.04^{+0.92}_{-0.79} $ $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_c e \bar\nu_e $ 10−10 1.84 $ 1.37^{+0.22}_{-0.19} $ $ 1.70^{+0.03}_{-0.02} $ $ 5.58^{+3.32\,\,+0.14\,\,+0.08}_{-1.54\,\,-0.12\,\,-0.18} $ $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_c \mu \bar\nu_\mu $ 10−10 1.83 $ 1.37^{+0.22}_{-0.19} $ $ 1.69^{+0.04}_{-0.02} $ $ 5.58^{+3.32\,\,+0.14\,\,+0.08}_{-1.54\,\,-0.12\,\,-0.18} $ $ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_c \tau \bar\nu_\tau $ $ 10^{-11} $ 4.74 $ 4.17^{+0.58}_{-0.52} $ $ 2.90^{+0.05}_{-0.02} $ $ 13.0^{+7.7\,\,+0.3\,\,+0.2}_{-3.5\,\,-0.3\,\,-0.4} $ It is interesting to consider the ratio
$ R_{B_{(c)}}\equiv\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)} \tau \bar{\nu}_\tau)/\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)} \ell \bar{\nu}_\ell) $ ,$ (\ell = e,\mu) $ , where a large part of theoretical and experimental uncertainties cancels. Note that the key advantage in considering this ratio is the cancellation of various uncertainties. Specifically, the hadronic form factors, which describe the$ \Upsilon(1S) \to B_c $ transition and carry theoretical uncertainties, largely cancel out. Similarly, uncertainties from radiative corrections, including QCD, QED, and electroweak interactions, also cancel due to their similar impact on both decay channels in the ratio. Additionally, CKM-matrix-element uncertainties are eliminated, as they affect both processes identically. These cancellations make the ratio a particularly clean observable for studying potential deviations from the SM and probing NP effects.We list in (23) and (24) all available predictions for
$ R_{B_{(c)}} $ up till now:$ \begin{aligned} R_B\equiv \frac{\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S) \to B \tau \bar{\nu})} {\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S) \to B \ell \bar{\nu})} =\left\{\begin{array}{lc} 0.64 \qquad & \qquad \text{BS}\; [9] \\ 0.55 \qquad & \qquad \text{This work} \end{array}\right. , \end{aligned} $
(23) $ \begin{aligned} R_{B_c}\equiv \frac{\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S) \to B_c \tau \bar{\nu})} {\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S) \to B_c \ell \bar{\nu})} =\left\{\begin{array}{lc} 0.30 \qquad & \qquad \text{BS}\; [9] \\ 0.17 \qquad & \qquad \text{BSW}\; [7] \\ 0.24 \qquad & \qquad \text{NRQCD}\; [10]\\ 0.26 \qquad & \qquad \text{This work} \end{array}\right. . \end{aligned} $
(24) Our results for the ratios
$ R_{B} $ and$ R_{B_c} $ agree well with those in the BS approach. Meanwhile, the result for$ R_{B_c} $ in the BSW is about two times smaller than the BS and our predictions. Moreover, NRQCD prediction for$ R_{B_c} $ is very close to ours. Therefore, we propose that the value$ R_{B_c}\simeq 0.3 $ is a reliable prediction. -
As already mentioned in Sec. I, the semileptonic decay
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{c}\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ is induced by the quark-level transition$ b\to c\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ and can be linked with the$ R_D^{(*)} $ anomaly. It is therefore interesting to probe the possible New Physics (NP) effects in the$ \Upsilon(1S) $ semitauonic decay. Based on the current status of the anomalies, we assume that NP only affects leptons of the third generation and modify the effective Hamiltonian for the quark-level transition$ b \to c \tau^- \bar{\nu}_{\tau} $ as follows$ \begin{aligned} {\mathcal H}_{eff} &= 2\sqrt {2}G_F V_{cb}[(1+V_L)\mathcal{O}_{V_L}+V_R\mathcal{O}_{V_R}], \end{aligned} $
(25) where the four-fermion operators are written as
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \mathcal{O}_{V_L} =\;& \left(\bar{c}\gamma^{\mu}P_Lb\right)\left(\bar{\tau}\gamma_{\mu}P_L\nu_{\tau} \right), \\ \mathcal{O}_{V_R} =\;& \left(\bar{c}\gamma^{\mu}P_Rb\right) \left(\bar{\tau}\gamma_{\mu}P_L\nu_{\tau}\right). \end{aligned} $
(26) Here,
$ P_{L,R}=(1\mp\gamma_5)/2 $ are the left and right projection operators, and$ V_{L,R} $ are the complex Wilson coefficients governing the NP contributions. In the SM one has$ V_{L,R}=0 $ .The invariant matrix element of the semileptonic decay
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{c}\tau\bar{\nu}_\tau $ is then written as$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{M}|_{\rm{NP}}&= \frac{G_FV_{cb}}{\sqrt{2}}\Big[ (1+V_R+V_L)\langle B_c|\bar{c}\gamma^\mu b|\Upsilon(1S)\rangle \bar{\tau}\gamma_\mu(1-\gamma^5)\nu_\tau \\ & +(V_R-V_L)\langle B_c|\bar{c}\gamma^\mu\gamma^5b|\Upsilon(1S)\rangle \bar{\tau}\gamma_\mu(1-\gamma^5)\nu_\tau\Big]. \end{aligned} $
(27) Note that the axial hadronic currents do not contribute to the
$ P\to P^\prime $ transition. Therefore, assuming that NP appears in both$ \bar{B}^0\to D $ and$ \bar{B}^0\to D^* $ transitions, the case of pure$ V_R-V_L $ coupling is ruled out. The branching fraction$ \mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_{c}\tau\bar{\nu}_\tau) $ is therefore modified according to$ \begin{aligned} \mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_{c}\tau\bar{\nu}_\tau)|_{\rm{NP}} =|1+V_L+V_R|^2\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_{c}\tau\bar{\nu}_\tau)|_{\rm{SM}}. \end{aligned} $
(28) By assuming the dominance of only one NP operator at a time, the allowed regions for the NP Wilson coefficients
$ V_{L(R)} $ are obtained using experimental data for the ratios of branching fractions$ R_D=0.344\pm 0.026 $ ,$ R_{D^*}=0.285\pm 0.012 $ [37],$ R_{J/\psi}=0.71\pm 0.17\pm 0.18 $ [38], the upper limit$ {\cal{B}}(B_c\to \tau\nu) \leq $ 10% from the LEP1 data [39], and the longitudinal polarization fraction of the$ D^* $ meson$ F_L^{D^*}({B} \to D^{\ast} \tau\bar{\nu}_\tau)=0.43\pm 0.06\pm 0.03 $ [40]. The relevant form factors for the transitions$ B\to D^{(*)} $ and$ B_c\to J/\psi $ were calculated in our paper [41]. In Fig. 4, we show the allowed regions for VL and VR within 2σ. In each region, we find a best-fit value and mark it with an asterisk.Figure 4. (color online) Constraints on the complex Wilson coefficients VL and VR from the measurements of
$ R_D $ ,$ R_{D^*} $ ,$ R_{J/\psi} $ , and$ F_L^{D^*}({B} \to D^{\ast} \tau\nu_\tau) $ within 2σ, and from the branching fraction$ {\cal{B}}(B_c\to\tau\nu_\tau)\leq $ 10%. The allowed regions are indicated in light-blue color. The asterisk symbols indicate the best-fit values.We summarize our predictions for the branching fraction
$ \mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_c \tau \bar{\nu}_\tau) $ and the ratio of branching fractions$ R_{B_c} $ in Table 5. The row labeled by SM (CCQM) contains our predictions within the SM with the CCQM form factors. The predicted intervals for the observables in the presence of NP are given in correspondence with the 2σ allowed regions of the NP Wilson coefficients depicted in Fig. 4. It is worth mentioning that the VL NP scenario can enhance the physical observables by a factor of 6.Quantity SM (CCQM) VR VL $ 10^{11}\times\mathcal{B}(\Upsilon(1S)\to B_c \tau \bar{\nu}_\tau) $ 4.74 (4.77,7.07) (4.74,27.3) $ R_{B_c} $ 0.26 (0.26,0.39) (0.26,1.50) Table 5. Observables in the SM and in the presence of NP.
Finally, it is worth mentioning the possibility of experimental observation of the semileptonic decays
$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_{(c)}\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ . As already pointed out in Ref. [10], a branching fraction at order 10−10 of the decays$ \Upsilon(1S)\to B_c\ell\bar{\nu}_\ell $ is almost impossible to reach at LHCb, CMS, and Belle-II. Even though the accumulated number of$ \Upsilon(1S) $ samples at these colliders can be as large as 1010–1011, the low reconstruction efficiency (assumed to be several percents) makes it extremely difficult to observe any significant signal. Even if NP effects enhance the branching fractions by an order of magnitude (in the case of semitauonic decay), it is still a challenging task to study these decays experimentally (see Ref. [10] for more details).
Study of the semileptonic decays ${{\boldsymbol\Upsilon}({\bf 1}{\boldsymbol S}){\bf\to}{\boldsymbol B}_{(\boldsymbol c)}{\boldsymbol\ell}\bar{\boldsymbol\nu}_{\boldsymbol\ell}} $
- Received Date: 2024-08-25
- Available Online: 2025-01-01
Abstract: We study the exclusive semileptonic decays